Museum of Future

TYPE: Undergrad Architectural Studio
YEAR: 2015
YEAR: 2015
As the whole idea of exhibiting of artifact is shifting through the development of society, culture and technology, one can question the future of museum as a building typology. This studio aim to look into this exact situation and the questions posed above from a more global perspective of questioning and rethinking the typology of museum for future generations.
This design is based on the study of how would the spatial attributes of different speeds contribute to continuous exhibition space abstract geometric prototype basis; explore possible functional structure of the future museum series from the flow lines at different speeds; the summary movement at different speeds way desired spatial scale and the feeling of space generated; the possibility of finishing fast space and the combination of ordinary space; finally obtained the design of a future museum has four-dimensional space.
This design is based on the study of how would the spatial attributes of different speeds contribute to continuous exhibition space abstract geometric prototype basis; explore possible functional structure of the future museum series from the flow lines at different speeds; the summary movement at different speeds way desired spatial scale and the feeling of space generated; the possibility of finishing fast space and the combination of ordinary space; finally obtained the design of a future museum has four-dimensional space.